Special session 1: TC25 Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information
Chair TBD from TC25
This special session is organised by the IMEKO TC25 Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information, and the aim of this TC is to provide a forum to discuss advances in quantum-based measurement, the quantum technologies they support, and the changes they imply for the international metrology infrastructure and for applications. Topics include:
- Latest trends and best practices in quantum-based measurements across multiple disciplines
- How quantum technology in combination with the redefinition of the SI is changing the face of the realization and dissemination of measurement standards and services
- Readiness of various quantum measurement technologies and prospects for future standardization
- Connection between quantum information and quantum metrology, such as the use of quantum states for measurement
- Identification and communication of technical advances and novel applications that are made possible by quantum enhanced metrology. This includes discussion of use cases, and examples and limitations of quantum technology
- Creating a foundation for international acceptance and mutual recognition of field-deployable and chip-scale quantum-based standards
Special session 2: Digitizers
Chair Dr. Rado Lapuh, Left Right, Ljubljana, Slovenia
This special session is organised to enhance the knowledge on high performance digitisers, both low and high frequency, as instruments or measuring systems that transfer information from analogue to digital world. Their characteristics determine or limits the measurement capabilities, both for electrical and non-electrical quantities. Topics include:
- State of the art of high performance digitisers
- Performance characterisation of digitisers (using quantum standards, DAC based waveform generators and other means)
- Timing requirements and characterisation of high performance digitizers
- Advanced architectures for the high precision digitizers
- Applications of high performance digitisers
Special session 3: Energy storage
Chair Prof. Hrvoje Pandžić, Ph.D., University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FER), Zagreb, Croatia
This special session is organised to present the improvements in the field of energy storage, particularly using battery systems. Topics include: